Specialized in professional Metatrader 4 and 5 trading solutions
Our main activity is the development of professional expert advisors
Keeping EA's up-to-date with latest market behaviors
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We try to test any available EA on the market and learn from it
We do daily analysis of the forex market
Connect with other traders and share ideas and strategies
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We strive for trading perfection. We build automated trading solutions to help traders get stable results. The market of forex robots is so huge that it is hard to find out which EA's actually work and which don't. We provide the solution by showing real results with respectable brokers.
FOREX EA SOLUTIONS is build on the vision of reaching absolute freedom in life. That means financial freedom and freedom from work. Our goal is to develop trading systems that will run fully automatic while making nice profits along the way. We strive to provide the ultimate forex trading robots.
Forex trading can be a riskfull business. That is why we at FOREX EA SOLUTIONS are intensly focused on minimizing the risk of the trading itself. We aim for longterm results that beat the market at any year, while keeping risk below a predefined level.
What is included in the price?You will receive the EA which can be used on unlimited number of accounts. There will be a "10 activations" limit, which means that you can install the EA on maximum 10 different computers/VPS's
Is the price a one-time thing? Or does it require renewals?The purchase is for life! So once purchased, you can use the EA unlimited in time.
Will you update the EA's regularly?Since we strive for delivering the best EA's possible, we regularly re-evaluate the code and settings of all our EA's. If we find improvements, the EA will be updated and you will receive these updates completely free!
Are the profits guaranteed?While we aim to create the best possible EA's on the market, no EA can guarantee profits in the future. That said, we do have high quality backtests, and many years of live results that show great performance of our EA's so far!
How do I receive the EA after purchase?After purchase, you can download the EA directly to your MT4/MT5 platform, through the market tab.
How do I set up the EA?All EA's will be provided with a full manual, explaining everything you need to know to get the EA up and running. A basic knowledge of the MT4 or MT5 platform is required, but if you lack that knowledge, we can even remotely help you with the setup.
Can I use my current broker?If your broker has fast, low spread ECN trade accounts (RAW pricefeed), it should be no problem to run our EA's. If you are not sure which broker to use, we can help you find the perfect broker for our software.
What is the minimum account balance required?The minimum balance will differ for each EA. On the product pages, you'll find a clear description on what the minimum balance and recommended balance size is.
Do I need to be an experienced trader?No, our software is very easy to use, and is suitable for beginners as well as seasoned traders. If there is any need for support in setting everything up, we are here for your 24/7 through our super fast support service!
Are the EA's 100% automatic?Yes. You only need to set them up once, and after that, they will run 100% automatically!
Do you have any special promotions at the moment?Yes we have! Currently, you receive 1 EA for free with the purchase of each EA above 349$. The free EA is limited to 2 trade accounts. Also, there is the "Ultimate Combo Deal", which includes our top 6 EA's at the very special price of 1199$! (instead of +3000$!). Contact us for more info!
What our clients have to say

James, UK
With all trading comes risk, but I must say, these are some of the safest EA's I have found so far. And with the settings provided by the company, I'm having great ROI's as well.

José, Brazil
I have literally tried hundreds of trading robots, but these are really exceptional. Also support is top notch. One of the best investments I made in the last few years!

Kendril, The Netherlands
I just wanted to thank you guys, for bringing these algorithms to the public. I know there is no guarantees for profits in forex, but damn these things deliver! :-)

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